Anna Elizabeth Hogg

Anna is a teaching artist and filmmaker working in central Virginia.


quilt frame

A mother and daughter hand-wash a 100-year-old quilt in order to restore and preserve it. The quilt was made by the filmmaker’s great-grandmother, who hand-stitched together old chicken-feed bags and other leftover materials. The film serves as a documentation of the quilt's preservation, while also attempting to investigate the provenance of the material.

16mm transfer, 2K, stereo sound
Single channel film, 7 min 16 sec (2022)
Three-channel film, 6 min, 17 sec (2023)

aCinema presents aDifferent Program, Milwaukee, WI, July 2024
non-syntax Experimental Image Film Festival, Feb Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, August 2023
San Diego Underground Film Festival, Heavy Light program, Los Angeles, CA, May 2023

*Three-channel film stills
